Monday, March 1, 2010

sunday with the pinks

finished my kong ball.

what should I do now?

mebbe it's time for a little nappy. mmmmmmm.

that was good.

wonder if I should get up now?

wha? ... wassat? is someone goin outside?
gotta go!

fresh grass. yummy.

I think I hear the spring. it's coming, it's coming!


  1. Oh my Pinky, you are the most adorable dog. I sure wish you could live with me. I confess, I am in love.

  2. Pinky, your pictures are a little messed up but you are my favorite white Pibble ever <3

  3. Those outdoor pictures look amazing! Pink makes such a great model.

  4. I am totally taken with her too Anneke. I really curse my studio apartment lease and it's strict 'no pets, not even a fish' clause. Sigh. I am such a sucker for this little white ghosty faces.

    I noticed 2 spots on the inside of her ears. Are those birthmarks or did someone do something unkind to her in her previous life?

  5. I've just introduced myself to Pinky and her blog and I am in love all over again! About how old is she? I would love another pibble's but I'm way up in WI =(

  6. Pinky sweetie: Every time I think I've seen the cutest possible picture of you, I'm wrong! Kisses, kisses, and kisses to you!
    -midwestern pibble kisser

  7. It sure is nice to be young and able to play enjoy it you deserve it. My lil lady who is 14 cant run and jump like she used to but still thinks she is a lil pit puppy :)

  8. hi maureen

    the spots in pinky's ears are from wrestling around with a mouthy play buddy.

  9. Ah yes, now I see. They don't appear in her earlier photos. That's pretty good aim to hit dead center of both ears! I see a career as an ear piecer in someone's future. haha.

  10. Hey Pinky, is Serbia too far for you? [ =

    If not, you are welcome!

  11. you are the cutest! love you in the grass :)

  12. I love this blog! Pinky you made me smile tonight.
    I love your face and your spirit. I will dream of you running through fields of grass!

    + Fantastic doggie photos!

  13. OMG this is GENIUS. I'm in LOVE, just like everyone else. If I didn't already have 3 dogs, I'd take Pinky in a SECOND and fix her knees myself (I'm a vet in NY).

    Much love to them both and THANK YOU for this awesome blog!

  14. I get a little teary every time I read Pinky's updates. She is so amazingly beautiful! She practically glows with personality. A lovely, lovely girl, particularly in the green grass. Cute little Easter bunny.

  15. Darn good photos there Miss Pink! I'd say you are going to be an old pro by the time you get adopted.

    Too bad we live so far. Gabby would love another Top Model in the Fusaro home. :)

  16. It makes me happy that there are other pinkies out there! When walking with my Henry (who just got his 2nd surgery for bad knees!) I am often asked, "is your dog pink?"
